What is TriCore known for around the world?
Helping people live optimally, without limitations!
Our “Why”
I wanted to offer my clients better service, better accountability, better communication,
and expand my income opportunities. I wanted to work for myself. I wanted to develop
my own brand. I wanted to start bridging the gap between fitness and medicine. This is
why I developed TriCore.
Now that we have done it and have created life changing systems for the individuals,
employers and communities that we work with, I now want to help other professionals
(like me) do the same thing for their clients!
But what I realized was the missing link for so many professionals, was not business
marketing course, it wasn’t downloading an eBook on business management, or a
“certification”; it wasn’t the “normal” fitness business and fitness marketing programs
that are advertised in the marketplace. NOPE! Those resources can be great, but 90%
of the time, they are a WASTE of precious time and money.
What it’s about is having the business backbone, the foundation, the rock, that so many
professional and businesses need to be able to scale and grow. In my opinion, these
things are:
Streamlined Operations
Proper Pricing
Targeted Programming
Support Staff
Elevating Your Business: You need a team to support you so you can focus on YOUR strengths, so you can be
the most effective and efficient with your time and skill set.
You need effective and efficient back-end business operations to manage members,
create follow up processes, and develop systems to create a seamless client
experience. You need professional programming solutions to help your clients solve
ANY health and wellness problem to help them reach their goals.
The days of the hyper niched, “secret formula” programs, fake reality social media,
marketing heavy fitness business are DEAD!
Principle based coaching systems and personalized programs, and a clean client
experience is the future of coaching.
THIS is the difference between someone who makes it and who doesn’t.
Business is a game of longevity.
The three T’s are what will help you keep playing the game!
If you’re a struggling professional or a struggling business that wants to provide better
service, help more people, and make more money, TriCore is ready to be your team and
help you get there!!
Let us help you find the right OPS (Operations, Programming, and Staffing) solution to
help you and your business flourish!
This is my passion and purpose. I want to see you succeed just the way I have!
If you’re ready to have us help you reach your business goals then lets talk!
We are here to change the game. We are redefining fitness and wellness. Join us and
let us help you do it too!